LEGAL: New professional partnership between Valenti Legal & Business and Asociación Zambrano Arbitration Centre


VERONA (ITALY) / CUSCO (PERU) A new important professional partnership has been signed between Valenti Legal & Business Consulting and the Arbitration Centre of the Asociación Zambrano in Cusco (Peru).

Daniela Valenti (Founder of Valenti Legal & Business Consulting Network) and Karina Zambrano Blanco (President of Asociación Zambrano) announce an exciting new collaboration between the professional Network and the Peruvian Arbitration Centre, aimed at strengthening connections between Europe (in particular, Italy) and South America.  All this, not just in terms of a mutually beneficial intercontinental cultural exchange, but mainly with the clear aim of promoting greater popularity of Arbitration and other important ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) tools in the resolution of disputes in national and international trade.

In particular, the Arbitration Centre of the Asociación Zambrano (an independent and outstanding organisation, strategically located in South America) becomes the Arbitration Institution of reference for the Legal Team of Valenti Legal & Business, which, within the scope of its contracts and compatibly with the characteristics of the specific case, will introduce the Arbitration Clause that will be drafted specifically for Italy (as the seat of Arbitration) by the Zambrano Arbitration Centre.